Thursday, July 21, 2011

Long week?

I have been recovering from traveling the last few days and still don't have any pictures uploaded! I have been recovering by re-doing my craft room, though, so I haven't spent much time off my feet or in front of my computer. But with achy feet and schoolwork due this weekend I figured I better sit for a spell. Sit for a spell. Like I'm an oldy but goody. So, what's on my mind? Lots really. Friends, family, what might have been, what still could be, what in the world just happened anyways. I've been reading some stories off an amazing blog which are so inspiring and they make me want to do more and be more and isn't that what we are all here for? To inspire and encourage one another? Well, that's at least one reason, right? So go inspire or encourage someone today! :)  (Please, of course.) And, just so you know, I know you can do this! ;)

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